Pink Fire Pointer Smiley Culture Guilty!

Smiley Culture Guilty!

Smiley Culture - Drug Pedlar

There was a lot of fuss when Smiley Culture decided to kill himself rather than face justice. Allegations that the Met Police had murdered him. Allegations of racism, along the lines that the police couldn't accept a black man could be a successful businessman rather than a drug dealer.

The press and certain sections of the Croydon community have been very quiet following the conviction of three of Smiley's accomplices for conspiracy to supply drugs.  The convictions mean that the jury accepted that Smiley Culture was the architect of this conspiracy involving the importation of cocaine to this country. Smiley paid for five British drug mules to travel to Barbados and collect 30 kg of cocaine. They were arrested at Barbados airport. Smiley was due to travel on the same plane back to Britain as the mules. One of the mules told police he had paid for four previous similar trips.

So let's drop all the Smiley is innocent claptrap and let's instead start denouncing drug dealers and criminals  in the community and encouraging young people  to get an education and lead law abiding, useful lives.